
Don't Move

Hola, soy Ashutosh

Computer Science and Engineering

Technology thrills me. Keeping up with our small and ever changing world has become a hobby.

Web Development

Everyday there is something new to learn in this field. I am try to make websites in a much more efficient manner and still learning to do so.

Jack of All Trades

I always try to learn and know more about every other new piece of technology including Blockchain and Machine Learning.


url shortner demo image

Url Shortner

Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML, CSS

It is used to shorten a url by providing a number in JSON Output which can be added to a constant domain name, which will redirect you to the site you wish.

url shortner demo image

CP Contest Notifier

Node.js, Vonage API, Express, MySQL, EJS, HTML, CSS

Code-Den is an online registeration platform via OTP for our CP Contest Notifier, which is used to provide daily CP contest notification on Whats'app.

url shortner demo image

Otp Bomber


A fun project that can annoy and freak out anybody by bombarding them with a lot OTP's. It sends OTP from various websites such as Flipkart, Amazon, OYO and Uber. More to be added soon.



Fields that interests me and the ones whom I will master in a year or so.

  • Web
  • CP
  • ML
  • Block Chain
  • Deep Learning


Building blocks of any modern software.

  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • D3.js
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • Mongoose

Dev Tools

Basic Tools required for ease in the Development of projects.

  • Git
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Selenium

About Ashutosh Kumar

Hailing from Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

First Year CS Undergraduate Student at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra.

Codechef: 3


Hackerrank: 5

My photo